Sunday, November 27, 2011

High Fiber Cereals - An Easy Way To Include The Necessary Fiber Count In Your Diet And Lose Weight

!±8± High Fiber Cereals - An Easy Way To Include The Necessary Fiber Count In Your Diet And Lose Weight

Eating bran cereal in the morning is the easiest way to obtain fiber. The Institute of Medicine recommends consuming 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories. How does your breakfast cereal rate on the list in terms of grams of fiber? See below.

Research suggests that people who eat breakfast are leaner than those who skip a morning meal. Studies have reported that not eating breakfast is associated with a fourfold increase in the risk of obesity.

According to an American Dietetic Association study, people who include whole-grain cereal in their weight loss program meet nutritional requirements while losing weight. The study was based on 200 overweight males and females. Over six months, those participants who ate two servings of high-fiber cereal each day dropped the same amount of weight as their peers - an average 12 pounds - but enjoyed higher intake of dietary fiber, magnesium and vitamin B6.

Not only can high-fiber cereal help you lose weight, it also prevents diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Eating a high-fiber cereal has proven to lower insulin production and reduce blood glucose levels in people with elevated insulin levels.

Increase your intake of fiber in the morning by including apples, bananas, oranges, pears or berries on your high fiber cereal. Bran should be introduced to your diet slowly because it can produce intestinal gas and mild cramping. Drinking a lot of water is necessary when you follow a high fiber diet. Without plenty of water, fiber causes constipation.

Cereal - Serving Size - Fiber (grams)

Bran Buds - 1 cup - 36g

All-Bran with Extra Fiber - 1 cup - 31g

Fiber One - 1 cup - 28.5g

100% Bran - 1 cup - 19.5g

All-Bran - 1 cup - 19.5g

Trader Joe's High Fiber - 2/3 cup - 14g

Grape Nuts - 1 cup - 11g

Natural Bran Flakes - 1 cup - 9g

Cracklin Oat Bran - 1 cup - 8.5g

Bran Chex - 1 cup - 8g

Raisin Bran - 1 cup - 8g

Bran Buds - 1/3 cup - 7.9g

Corn Bran - 2/3 cup - 5.4g

Cracklin' Bran - 1/3 cup - 4.3g

40% Bran - 3/4 cup - 4.0g

Most - 2/3 cup - 3.5g

Wheat germ - 1/4 cup - 3.4g

Honey Bran - 7/8 cup - 3.1g

Shredded Wheat - 2/3 cup - 2.6g

Wheat n' Raisin Chex - 3/4 cup - 2.5g

Frosted Mini-Wheats - 4 biscuits - 2.1g

Wheat Chex - 2/3 cup - 2.1g

Total - 1 cup - 2.0g

Wheaties - 1 cup - 2.0g

Nutri-Grain, corn - 3/4 cup - 1.8g

Nutri-Grain, rye - 3/4 cup - 1.8g

Nutri-Grain, wheat - 3/4 cup - 1.8g

Graham Crackos - 3/4 cup - 1.7g

Nutri-Grain, barley - 3/4 cup - 1.7g

Oatmeal - 3/4 cup - 1.6g

Crispy Wheats n' Raisins - 3/4 cup - 1.3g

Heartland Natural Cereal - 1/4 cup - 1.3g

Cheerios - 1 1/4 cup - 1.1g

100% Natural Cereal - 1/4 cup - 1.0g

Tasteeos - 1 1/4 cup - 1.0g

Sugar Smacks - 3/4 cup - 0.4g

Corn Flakes - 1 1/4 cup - 0.3g

Special K - 1 1/3 cup - 0.2g

Rice Krispies - 1 cup - 0.1g

High Fiber Cereals - An Easy Way To Include The Necessary Fiber Count In Your Diet And Lose Weight

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Best Food

!±8± The Best Food

Everyone eats so everyone has an opinion about food. But if health is the objective, mere opinion doesn't count nor does fad or majority rule.

Most people think the average cooked diet based upon official food pyramids is just fine. Some eat predominantly fast food. Others advocate veganism (eating only plant foods), or lacto-ova vegetarianism (plants plus milk and eggs). There are also proponents of special foods such as fresh juices, soybean products and macrobiotic cooked grains and rice.

Everyone can make arguments on behalf of their beliefs. They can cite examples of people who have escaped disease and lived long. Some argue morality and ethics, such as those who say sentient animal life should not be sacrificed for food. Others set their eating practices by the standards of holy writ that eschew certain forms of foods and sanctify others. Others just eat what tastes good and that's logic enough for them.

Eating beliefs seem to take on an almost religious character. People feel guarded and pretty zealous about food and don't like others meddling. But since health is intimately linked to what we take into our mouths, thinking, honest reflection and willingness to change are in order.

It is easy to be deceived because wrong food choices may not manifest their full impact until late in life. Nutrition can even pass through genetically to affect later generations. In this regard, food ideas are also like religion in that hundreds of different sects can each claim to have the truth. But none of them needs to fear disproof since adjudication will not occur until everyone is dead and gone to the afterlife.

The body is extremely adaptable and will attempt to survive on whatever it is given. If the food is incorrect there is usually no immediate harm. But the body will eventually be stressed beyond its ability to adapt, resulting in disease, degeneration and loss of vitality. Unfortunately, such consequences are so far removed in time from the eating regimen that caused them that few understand the relationship.

So be careful before subscribing to bold claims about what is or is not good to eat. The true test of any health idea lies too far out into the future. Our best hope then is to be well grounded philosophically before we slide our legs under the dinner table.

How do we develop a healthy eating philosophy and sort through all of the competing eating ideas? I am going to explain here a very simple principle that is so reasonable you need not even look for proofs. Follow along with me and see if you don't agree.

Consider the following three premises:

1. Just like a tree is genetically adapted to absorb certain nutrients from soil, and a lion is genetically adapted to thrive on prey, and a deer is genetically adapted to browse on vegetation, so too, are humans genetically adapted to certain kinds of food.

2. The majority of foods we are presently exposed to are a product of the Agricultural/Industrial Revolution and occupy a small part of the genetic history of humans. (Refer back to the 276-mile time-line in which only a few inches represent industrial-type eating practices.)

3. The natural, genetically adapted to food for humans must predate them. In other words, how could humans exist before the food they needed to survive existed? We were completely developed biologically prior to agriculture and any method of food processing. That means whatever diet archetypal humans ate was the perfect diet because that was the diet responsible for the existence and development of the incredibly complex human organism. That diet was the milieu, the environmental nutritional womb, if you will, from which we sprung.

If you consider these three premises, the logical conclusion derived from them is that the best food for humans is that food which they would be able to eat as is, as it is found in nature.

Our tissues were designed to be bathed in food nutrients derived from natural living foods, not with dyes, preservatives, synthetics, nutritiously barren starches and refined sugars and oils. Make no mistake; if we are not eating according to this principle, our bodies are in constant deficiency, imbalance and toxin exposure. The result of generations ignoring this principle is an epidemic of obesity, chronic degenerative diseases and the exhaustion of our digestive processes.

A feature of all natural food is that it is raw - alive if you will. This is consistent with the Law of Biogenesis that says life can only come from preexisting life. Life begets life. In spite of scientists' dreams to the contrary, we have never observed life springing from non-life, nor have we ever even been able to create life from non-life in a laboratory. If we eat living foods, we enhance our own life. If we eat dead, devitalized foods we become devitalized and dead. Granted, this will not happen all at once, but as the adaptive reserves are exhausted we become just like the dead food we eat.

So a fundamental feature of our natural diet was that it was raw. Yes, even the meats, organs, eggs and insects - raw. Remember, we're far back in time, even before the use of fire (much less the microwave, stove, oven, grill, deep fryer or extruder). Studies of the diets of past cultures and today's still-primitive societies reveals that they ate exactly as their genes and the environment dictated.

We were not suddenly dropped from outer space onto Earth with fry pans, matches and rotisseries. We began on the forest floor, not in a line to a fast food counter. We had only our natural bodies in a natural world, exactly like every other creature. Every other organism on Earth eats raw foods exactly like they are found in nature. Do you think nature doesn't notice our decision to change all that?

Would tofu qualify? No, because tofu is found nowhere in nature. Would oatmeal porridge qualify? No, because oatmeal porridge is found nowhere in nature. Would hamburgers, French fries, pop, breakfast cereals, granola, canned foods, candy, sports drinks, muscle building powders, vitamins and minerals, mashed potatoes, carrot cake, croissants, bagels, Jolly Ranchers, Ding Dongs, Cocoa Krispies, Good 'n Plentys or Fig Newtons qualify? No. None of these are found as such in nature.

For those of you who are by now panicking (if not gagging) at the thought of eating raw foods, yes, there is danger of food-borne pathogens. But if you are careful and clean, the danger is far less than the danger of a lifetime eating devitalized processed foods. Raw natural foods must be safe or our ancestors would have not survived and we would not exist!

It is a choice. When faced with a choice, why not opt for the wisdom of nature? Is it not strange we are the only creatures on the planet to cook our foods? Is it a wonder, given this, that we succumb with every imaginable chronic degenerative disease virtually unknown in creatures eating the raw natural diet?

Simply think of yourself placed in nature in the total absence of modern technology. Ask yourself the question, what would I eat... and what could I eat? You could eat and digest fruits, nuts, insects, a few plants, honey, worms, grubs, eggs, milk and animal flesh. These are about the only food substances in nature humans are capable of digesting without technological (including fire) intervention. These are, in fact, the very foods that are the mainstay of nomadic primitive societies. Only when these foods become scarce do unpalatable, inedible foods such as most grains and vegetables become cooked and processed to change their palatability, neutralize toxins and increase digestibility.

So that is where we have been. But does this have anything to do with us here today in the 21st century microwave age? It has everything to do with us because it is this expansive historical context that served as the womb that shaped and defined us. It is this natural wild setting that occupies the vast majority of our history and predominates our genetics. It is the incubator within which life on planet Earth has developed.

What would have been the predominant food in the wild? Likely prey. Envision yourself placed back in time in that setting with a family to feed. You would be looking for the most calorie- and nutrient-dense foods you could find. That would not be a few wheat seeds, some grass or a root. You would let the herbivores do all the grazing and digestion with their specialized stomachs that are capable of converting essentially any plant material into edible protein and fat. Then you would eat them. I don't like that either, but that is the way it is.

Pretty simple isn't it? We should eat what nature provides that we can digest. Yet this is not explained in nutrition textbooks, and PhD nutritionists graduate without even grasping it. It cuts through all the theory, belief, and guesswork. It matches our natural bodies with our natural food.

Our immersion in modern cookery and food processing has misled us. Foods such as granola, tofu, cauliflower and lettuce, which are marketed as the ultimate health foods, are in fact not natural human foods at all. These products either do not exist in nature, are so scarce as to never possibly be a sustaining food, or in their raw precooked form are unpalatable and even toxic.

For example, raw soybeans contain a variety of chemicals that can stunt growth and interfere with the body's digestive enzymes. Eat enough of them and you'll die. Modern grain products are a result of agriculture and in their raw form are unpalatable, indigestible and also toxic. In nature one would never find enough kernels of rice, wheat or barley to even make up a meal, even if they were edible in their raw form. (Sprouted seeds and grains are an exception to this since they are digestible, raw and nutritious.)

Who, if they were really, really hungry - and options were available - would eat raw broccoli, cauliflower or lettuce? These foods are only now made palatable by cooking or doctoring with manufactured dressings.

Now this creates somewhat of a dilemma. Knowing what our natural diet is and consuming it are two different things. We are so acclimated to the modern diet that the notion of eating raw meat, for example, is nauseating to most. Nevertheless, as evidenced by primitive (but nutritionally advanced) peoples, raw meat and organs can be eaten with great nutritional benefit to humans, and they are totally digestible and nontoxic. Some cultures even bury raw meats and let them rot (ferment) and then consume them with gusto. These societies are robustly healthy until modern foods encroach. Then, like a dirty bathtub ring, modern degenerative diseases decimate those people at the periphery in contact with modern foods.

It would be very difficult today to achieve the ideal raw, natural diet. But if the basic principle is kept in mind it helps remind us of our origins and points us to the appropriate, genetically adapted-to foods.

This does not mean no processed or cooked foods should be eaten. It simply means that consistently doing so will stress the body's genetic capabilities and will ultimately result in less than optimal health.

Look around the grocery store (usually the outside aisles) and consider what it is that could be eaten in its natural state. Increase the proportion of those foods. Processed foods should be chosen that compromise natural principles the least and are as close to nature as possible. They should be whole foods, packaged carefully to protect nutrient value and be free of synthetics, refined oils and sugars.

For example, whole milk yogurt that has not been homogenized or pasteurized is ideal. The same thing pasteurized would be next best. The same thing pasteurized and homogenized next. Worst would be non-fat, pasteurized, homogenized, artificially flavored and sugared yogurt (which is, of course, what the majority eat because it tastes most like what they are used to - candy).

Eat the best foods you can find in variety and moderation and you will be doing the best that can be done.

There, you have in a nutshell what has taken me decades of research, study and thinking to discover. It is simple and obvious, but that is the way of all great truths.

The Best Food

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Metabolic Typing - Interview

!±8± Metabolic Typing - Interview

I am very happy with the introduction and interview Sally Taylor, diet therapist and consultant metabolic typing how to go beyond the concept of individual access to food.

Why diet is important as metabolic typing therapists (mt)?

MT is essential for my practice. I use it as a starting point for all customers. I call myself a therapist, nutritionist diet as a contrast, because it is the enormous importance that comes to reflect on how to get the right diet. If customers areare willing to change their diet, there is no point in her consulting me. Everything else will still only nibble at the edges of the problem. I am not prepared for customers who really want to simply buy a list of supplements to take or avoid the food. This is an allopathic approach to nutrition - it treats the symptoms without correcting the underlying problems. Diet Therapy is a holistic approach that the body needs to build all this to ensure the health and vitality from the inside since. ManyThe people, the doctors realize, do not yet know that it is literally true that we eat what we do. The food is the raw material we consume more and build and repair and replace every cell of our body. It is a waste of money to spend a fortune on supplements or subscription to a gym during the processing of nutrient deficient and defective, plates continues!

Is there such a thing as a healthy diet?

Yes, absolutely, but not a standard, which could make the prescribedCouncil - the panacea everyone is looking for does not exist. The exact recipe is different for everyone, depending on the MT. The balance of the macro and micro nutrients needed by our body to function at optimum efficiency depends on our genetic heritage and individual stressors. There are clear principles that apply to everyone, but: eat organic, whole foods (as close to nature and as unprocessed as possible - which is just cooked, raw or lightly) to drink plenty of water, avoid toxins likehow to ensure that alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, drugs, and to have sufficient daily doses of sunshine, fresh air, exercise, and 8 hours of night sleep quality.

What makes MT differs from Atkins, Zone, GI, low fat diets?

These diets work for some people sometimes, and some of the problems that contribute to weight gain or poor health in some people. The difference between these popular diets and MT is that MT is not a "diet" in the sense that there are usuallyWord. It is not something to be for a couple of weeks a few pounds, and then returns to old eating habits. It requires a commitment to a radical change of lifestyle.

Metabolic Typing is a clinical method to determine the correct staple food for customers, and the development and tightening the specific biochemical. Proper application, you can not "not" on the Metabolic Typing Diet, because it is actually a learning process that teaches clients to listen to the signals of their body andratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats for their unique metabolism to adjust to adjust. A detailed individual nutritional needs are dependent on their respective interaction of genetics and environment.

In recent years, controlled carbohydrate diets like the Atkins, Zone and IM have become popular, even in spite of orthodox advice, because they work for millions of people. The reason for this is that all of them, limiting the amount of carbohydrates consumed affected. MorePeople, including athletes and active kids eat too much carbohydrate in the form of processed, convenience foods. Even if they have already cut cakes, cookies, puddings, chocolate, etc., continue to fill what has been said healthy forms of carbohydrates such as breakfast cereals, bread, potatoes and pasta. It is simply not designed to eat carbs so much!

Research has found that the stabilization of blood sugar levels and reduced insulin productionimportant for health. We have two metabolic pathways to produce energy. What everyone is interested in the process of burning glucose as fuel. This is an immediate source of energy, since they will be taken directly from our blood after it has arrived as a degradation product of all digestible carbohydrates, and in our cells as glycogen (the human equivalent of starch) are stored . Once the cells and glycogen stores, primarily in the liver and muscles, however,fully with the requirements of glucose to glycerol and fatty acids are converted and combined to form triglycerides. This is the substance produced by body fat. Triglycerides are made in fat cells to store energy. However, the fact that is often overlooked, we can and we must also with fatty acids to produce energy, but we can not burn the fat stores of blood sugar or insulin levels are high, so I'm fairly constant for many people.

As for diets low in fat,been recommended by governments and the medical profession to reduce obesity and heart disease for more than 30 years, time has shown that they are not for most of the work. Were adopted in the three decades following treatments such as official policy of the United States and the United Kingdom we have seen a huge increase in the incidence of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. These concepts are described in detail in the New Diet "explores Dr. Atkins 'revolution' - a book that I recommend you all read with interest in their healthwith its lesser-known title of "Dr. Atkins' Age-Defying Diet Revolution".

I have great respect for Dr. Robert Atkins. It 'been reading his books I brought my health problems, weight gain was (I was 3 stone overweight), fatigue and pain to fix his knee. My parents are both type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular problems and severe arthritis of the knee, so clearly I am at a disadvantage in these genetic regions! Now, with 46-years, my weight, I struggledwith all of my life is perfect to build my own, I have more energy than I ever had, and no health problems. My experience with the Atkins diet 'led me to formally study nutrition, and through this I discovered metabolic typing, which means I need a high protein / fat, low carbohydrate diet, as if I am a fast oxidizer confirmed.

MT explains why the Atkins diet 'does not work for everyone, but throughout the recovery and preservation of their health problems should be aware of the scientific principleson which it rests. Basically, I have to hold another type of Atkins diet today, but part of the changes I have learned from MT. I'm sure the vast majority of my food is organic and not treated, and I avoid soy products - in fact, a cave-man style diet.

So why is not known as MT or how these popular diets?

MT is rapidly gaining popularity. It is recommended by many reputable, high-profile sponsors and practitioners of holistic health andintegrated medicine - such as Paul Chek, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Dietrich Hardt Kling, Dr. Etienne Callebout, and the team "what the doctors are not Tell You." But it is primarily as a clinical application, rather than become a popular "diet".

'The Metabolic Diet "book was written by typing William Wolcott to fill a gap. And' for those who want a simplified version of self-help approach. It allows those who can not afford to start the services of a consultant Typing synergy in metabolicto correct the path of their health problems. If finances are tight, I suggest that customers buy the book and the song of the Atkins' and see what they do on their own first

MT is difficult to follow, difficult or impractical for the average person?

The beauty of MT is not following a strict diet daily sheet. It's clear guidelines, what happens if an optimal diet for you. Once you understand your best foods to eat, it is second nature toYour MT. It is not something to survive for a couple of weeks before they can return to their previous habits - is a change of lifestyle. It teaches you how to listen to your body and respond to their messages. And that's what we do to make sure we have a healthy diet to normal, to integrate the daily routine.

MT is a person in stone? Or it can with the circumstances, if so the change, when?

There are two aspects to our metabolic type - Genetic our way through the prescribedinternal factors that are inherited - and our functional art, and from which liquid is influenced by external factors. These are all physical and psychological stressors, in fact, such as environmental (eg climate, pollution, toxins), disease activity, and eat.

Obviously we can not change our genes, what we do with the MT is set up our influence on our type of biochemical and functional. A repetition of MT after your prescribed diet plan for 3-6 months is recommended onlybecause their functional imbalances were corrected, and another may reveal the underlying genetic type. If you continue to follow the original plan, you may find that your body chemistry has gone too far in the opposite direction.

All carbohydrates are the same thing?

Absolutely not! This is a very important point, Craig. The type of carbohydrates we eat really the key to a healthy diet or not. In essence, the difference lies in that the carb must be mistaken! Thecooler is the closest to nature, the more it can only come from a tree or the soil is, the healthier is the carb. In fact, this principle applies to all the macronutrients (ie carbohydrates, fats, proteins), but it is carbohydrates that process go to hell, and eat in huge quantities (because it is cheap, pretty, and has an addictive quality, absolutely contrary to the fat and protein)! The raw material is cheap and processed immediately, store the finished products for a long time, andTherefore, very profitable for producers of food and very convenient for the consumer.

But these highly processed, convenience foods are not real food. They do not look like something that appears in nature - are the food of Frankenstein! Real food is fast, the fake food lasts longer! When processed, most of the quality (micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and fiber) are destroyed or abandoned, and the natural sugar contentconcentrated. Preservatives, colorings, flavorings, etc. added - and you end up with a relatively cheap, filling, with a quality of dependence, with no nutritional value. For example, brown rice is perfectly healthy, natural foods. Until something like Rice Krispies are or have been rice cake is on, then removed all the kindness and concentrates the sugar content. Then there is a huge 84% carbohydrates - and this is all converted into glucose,what a huge hit blood sugar immediately after eating (just in total carbohydrates-box look at the nutrition panel on packaged foods). Other examples include fresh oranges than orange juice, corn-on-the-cob corn flakes contrast, strawberry / blueberry / apple Fruit Winders vs. Kellogg (a product popular in children's lunchboxes), boiled potatoes slightly compared to the chip. Flows in fact in our stores of nutrients the body to process this stuff, so the manufacturerBreakfast cereals have vitamins and minerals to add it.

To illustrate this concept, fueled a famous experiment, a group of rats from breakfast cereals, and another group on the empty cereal boxes. The large group of cells survived the large group of cereal! I think the details of this product in a listed Paul Chek

In summary, we have to get most of our carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables in their naturalexcellent condition, with some whole grain, when you can take your special MT. This is what we have developed to eat - not the wrong things from packages! No one needs bread or pasta - despite public opinion and medical foods are NOT healthy!

How long it usually takes for a person to make significant differences in terms of known energy, and the glory, if you eat well known for their metabolic typing?

It can be as little as three days notice,significant improvement, but certainly two weeks, many people feel like a new person! The longer you continue to eat the MT (and do not forget what to recommend a change of lifestyle, not 2 weeks "diet" bland), the better you feel, the stronger your body is healthier and more. In short, you regain control of their emotions, hormones, weight and health.

Then people can react differently to vitamins and minerals if they react differently toMacronutrients? Rules?

Yes, very. Are added to foods affect our pH balance and other aspects of body chemistry, depending on your MT. With the results of intermediate tests that must be provided with a list of MT professionals supplements, body chemistry slide in the right direction available. And 'complicated, but as an example, quality control systems have almost need more calcium, while slow emission control systems need more magnesium. There are a number of special supplementsdeveloped to support the three basic MTs. However, I usually advise customers to obtain the right diet so you can concentrate, then we can consider later additions, by adding them to solve specific health problems when required. But, I must stress the fact that food is always true that we have in our body three times a day - which is about a thousand times a year, is the most important factor!

Metabolic Typing as advisor and health professionals, what do you think is behind ourcurrent state of poor health record and obesity?

Lifestyles of the 21 st century is the problem. I could on this for hours! But it is probably best to read all the 'Lights Out' by TS Wiley recommends that looks deep. This explains why our hormones are out of whack, because it overloads the immune system, because we are obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, etc., etc.

From a nutritional standpoint, the problem that we as a society is totally dependentConvenience - which means carbohydrates. We all lead busy lives with work and family obligations, and say that we do not have time to buy fresh food and prepare meals from scratch. But this mentality is killing us! The man did not evolve to live - sometimes carbohydrates in the cave man was poor, especially in northern climates. They were more frequent in warmer climates, but not in large quantities that we have available now. With the advent of agriculture 10,000 years ago, our foodHabits began to change, and in the last 100 years unrecognizable. Common Western diet of today is disproportionate to what our grandparents ate as children.

We have sight of what real food is lost. We need to re-education. Jamie Oliver's campaign is right on the button. Our children do not know that chips come from potatoes, broccoli looks like or what!

Thanks Sally for your thoughts on Metabolic Typing and diets. Learn more aboutMetabolic typing diet and therapy, you can contact Sally: or check their website-www.dieter

Metabolic Typing - Interview

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